
Sunday, 26 July 2015

Yarn, yarn and more yarn

Lately I have been buying more yarn so I am able to make more items for my etsy shop. I haven't made much for a while as I was out of yarn.
This week I have learnt how to make star blankets and I love it! They are so pretty. Here are a few of the bits I've been working on this past week.

I saw a picture of something like this in a magazine in Tesco and came home and decided to try and make something like it myself as it is not something that I have ever done before. It isn't perfect but I think it came out cute.

The finished ducky blanket, It is just sitting in a draw at the moment as I am not sure what to do with him. He was fun to make and it was good to make something different for a change.

My new favourite yarn is by ice yarns, The continuously changing colours are very pretty and look great in bigger projects such as the star blankets that I had brought the yarn for.

The star blanket works up quite fast to begin with then takes a while the bigger it gets. These will be sold in my etsy shop when I have finished a couple of them.

This is the first one I have done and it is almost finished. I love the way the colours of the yarn change as it goes round. 

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