
Friday, 1 February 2013

The water is in!

So, just a quick update- the water went in on Wednesday night, which was just regular tap water, with the conditioner treatment, and mixed up with Tropic Marine Pro Coral Salt. In hindsight; i suspect the regular, non-pro, salt would have been easier to manage, solely because of the initial levels would have been a little simpler- but none-the-less; two days after, and a small amount of swapping out some tank water with non-salted water to bring the salinity levels back down just a touch, and things are looking good!

Measurements from yesterday evening: 8.1pH (could do with 8.3, but we'll sort that with some buffer), 26.C on the nose, salinity @1.025, and very low ammonia and nitrite levels. Nitrates however are fairly high at 20ppm; but I suspect that's where the salt may have been a little too-pro! A heavier than normal water change after the cycle has finished should sort that out anyway :)

The tank after filling, with the lights on. Lots of bubbles on the glass in case you were wondering!
So, what's in store for this weekend? Live rock! Time to start the cycle going. Probably pick up some epoxy putty to stack the rock securely, and maybe an API Calcium Test kit- i've got some concentrated Marine calcium on the standby already, and it should help the pH buffer/levels a little once established too :)

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